The first Regional Workshop on ‘Sustaining Teak Management in Mekong Basin’ was organized on 24-27 September, 2019 at Yangon, Myanmar as part of a ITTO supported teak management program entitled “Enhancing Conservation and Sustainable Management of Teak Forests and Legal and Sustainable Wood Supply Chains in the Greater Mekong Sub-region†currently under implementation in the 5 countries of Mekong sub-region with financial support of German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The workshop was jointly organized by International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Japan, Kasetsart University, Thailand and Forest Department of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Myanmar. The Regional Education and Training Centre of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) in Hwambi, Yangon hosted the 4-day workshop in association with Forest Research Institute (FRI) of Myanmar, Cambodia’s Forestry Administration (FA), Lao PDR’s National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI), Thailand’s Royal Forest Department (RFD), Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences (VAFS).
About 40 researchers and experts from 14 countries representing universities, policy makers, teak plantation managers, wood industry, international organizations, NGOs and governments participated in the workshop.
Presentations of the First Regional Workshop
Conservation approaches of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) genetic resources in Thailand
Dr. Suwan Tangmitcharoen, Forest Plantation Promotion Office,Royal Forest Department, Thailand
Sustainable Forest Management in Myanmar
Dr. Thaung Naing Oo, Director, Forest Research Institute , Forest Department, Myanmar
Cambodia: Forestry Administration (FA)
Lao PDR: National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI)
Thailand: Royal Forest Department (RFD)
Vietnam: Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences (VAFS)
Teak distribution under land use and climate change and conservation implication in Mekong
Prof. Yongut Thrisurat, Kasetsart Univerisity, Thailand
Using various DNA techniques for various teak research- clonal identification and log tracking
Dr. Anto Rimbawanto, Centre for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement, Indonesia
Genetic diversity and DNA barcoding of teak in the Mekong
Dr. Tani Naoki, JIRCAS, Japan
Genetic resources of teak in Myanmar detected by cpSNP and nSSR markers
Dr. Thwe Thwe Win, Assoc. Professor, University of Forestry and Environmental Sciences
Teak resource conservation in Myanmar
Mr. U Aung Zaw Moe and Dr. Thaung Naing Oo, FRI, Myanmar
Dr. Saroj Wattanasuksakul, RFD, Thailand
Teak plus tree selection and its propagation techniques used in Thailand
Dr. Chumun Piananurak, Consultant #2
Effects of first thinning on growth and stem form of teak plantation in Thailand
Mr. Tosporn Vacharangkura, Consultant #5
Silviculture aspects of teak plantations in Brazil
Dr. Sylvio Coutinho, Teak Resources Company, Brazil
New incentive method for growing teak
Dr. Nir Atzmon, CEO, Greenforest Consulting Ltd.
ITTO Guidelines on FLR in the Tropics
Mr. Yong-tae Choi, ITTO
Myanmar:Forest plantations and community forestry in Myanmar
Mr. U Sein Moe, Asst. Director, Extension Division, Forest Department
The selection of sustainable logging systems, case study of teak plantations in Thailand
Dr. Nopparat Kaakkurivaara, Consultant # 6
Community-based oil palm/rubber wood supply chain
Mr. Suriyan Vichitlekarn, GTZ, Thailand
Teak studies of RFD-JIRCAS FY2006 -2020 & NAFRI- JIRCAS FY 2016-2020
Mr. OKA Hiroyasu, JIRCAS, Japan
Designing a production driven FLR program: forest communities – private sector partnerships
Dr. Martin Greijmans, RECOFTC
ITTO Legal and Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative
Mr. U Min Min Oo, Staff officer, Natural Forest and Plantation Division, Forest Department
Sustainable wood industry and certification in Thailand
Dr. Nikhom Laemsak, Kasetsart Univeristy
Dr. Pramod Kant, India presented by Dr. PK Thulasidas
Situation and trends in world tropical timber production, trade and market
Dr Tetra, ITTO
Demand and supply of Teak in Vietnam
Dr. Dong Lam Tran, VAFS
Demand and supply of teak in Myanmar
U Kyaw Naing, Asst General Manager, Myanmar Timber Enterprise
Financial returns of different actors in a teak timber value chain in Paklayam District, Lao PDR
Mr. Vongvilay Vongkhamsao, Deputy Director, NAFRI