Kerala Forest Research Institute, TEAKNET host institution at Peechi, Kerala, India
TEAKNET is an international network of institutions and individuals interested in teak. Teaknet addresses the interests of all the categories of stakeholders related to teak, whether they are growers, traders, researchers or other groups with a profound interest or concerned with teak. From time to time, the organization formulates action plans focusing on the short term and long term needs of the global teak sector. Success of the network is critically dependent on wider participation, by all those concerned with conservation, management and utilization of teak.
Kerala Forest Research Institute, TEAKNET host institution at Peechi, Kerala, India
TEAKNET is basically manned by an International Steering Committee and its headquarters is currently located at the Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI), Peechi, India which acts as the host institution for the functioning of Teaknet. The Secretariat of Teaknet was established in KFRI with the support of FAO Regional office for Asia-Pacific, Bangkok.
Since its establishment, Teaknet has evolved from a suboptimal state to an International Teak Information Network that serves the interests of the global teak community of researchers, growers, loggers, traders, farmers, scientists, and policymakers. Teaknet has organized and co-hosted a number of international conferences, partner events, and workshops around the world over the years, including the World Teak Conferences in Costa Rica (2011), Thailand (2013), and Ecuador (2015), in which hundreds of teak enthusiasts from around 70 teak-growing countries participated. Teaknet is the world's only network organization dedicated to a single species of teak, and it brings together numerous stakeholders under its umbrella for world teak conferences, where they share a wealth of information for the sustainable development of teak industry and trade. We collaborate with international organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) for the sustainable use and management of teak resources. Teaknet was a partner of the Global Teak Study report published by IUFRO in 2017. Teaknet is also a project partner for information management in the three-year (2019-2022) ITTO executed teak project for Mekong countries, which spans Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Lao PDR, and Cambodia.
TEAKNET extends its heartfelt gratitude to everyone for your continued support over the past years and we look forward to continuing to be a successful teak network in the future.