Teak in Mekong for a Sustainable Future

‘Teak in Mekong for a Sustainable Future’ is the outcomes of the ITTO executed Teak Mekong Project in the Greater Mekong Sub-region implemented with the financial support of the Federal Ministry of Food Agriculture, Government of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMEL) with the participating countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. The book comprises six main sections dealing mainly with the teak distribution across the GMS region, silviculture and teak improvement, SFM and certification, teak genetics, policy and regional and international cooperation and guidance nad recommendations for promoting SFM of natural and planted teak forests in the tropics.

Yongyut Trisurat, Hwan-ok MA, Tetra Yanuariadi, Promod Kant and PK Thulasidas (Eds). Teak in Mekong for a Sustainable Future. Kasetsart University, Thailand; ITTO, Japan and TEAKNET, Bangkok, Thailand. 360 p. ISBN: 978-616-278-693-8
